Your Every Need

We have a lot of needs. Every day we are confronted with different kinds of needs in every aspect of our life. They come in different forms and sizes. How do we respond to the needs that life throws at us? We could either count our troubles or count our blessings. I am familiar withContinue reading “Your Every Need”

Yahweh is Your Keeper

God, the Great I AM, is our keeper! It gives us assurance that we are held, surrounded, and secured by the Most High God. The God who is everlasting, all-powerful, all-encompassing, self-sufficient, and sovereign keeps us in His watchful and loving presence. When we are worried for our safety, provision, and health, we can readilyContinue reading “Yahweh is Your Keeper”

Where God Leads, He Makes a Way

Nothing is too difficult for God. And He always acts in love and justice. The best response we could give to His awesome greatness and sovereignty is to trust and obey Him. When we trust God to do His will in our life, He can remove vresistance and every block that comes along the wayContinue reading “Where God Leads, He Makes a Way”

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